Mealtime Market: Locally-Sourced, Quality Meals Delivered to Your Door

What if we told you that you could skip the madness at the grocery store, skip the hassle of deciding what’s for dinner, and indulge in some beautiful meals made with local produce -- all delivered to your door?

We promise it’s not too good to be true. Mealtime Market, which marries good food and convenience, is run by Chris Capps -- a chef of about 20 years, and a graduate of The Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, New York.

Mealtime Market began in 2017 and serves Walla Walla, College Place, and Milton-Freewater. They deliver their subscribers fresh, large-portioned, pre-cooked meals every Thursday. Food is packaged in a cooler bag with earth-friendly reusable containers and a biodegradable freezer pack. Each delivery comes with instructions on how to heat it and information on next week's meal. Then, you simply heat, eat, and enjoy!

“Every week the menu is completely different,” Capps tells us. “I try not to repeat things too many times or at all ...we really try to be creative. Really, it’s driven by what’s seasonally available and what’s available to me locally.”

Capps uses local ingredients from places such as Hayshaker Farms in College Place, Frog Hollow Farm in Walla Walla, Monteillet Fromagerie in Dayton and Edwards Farms in Milton-Freewater.

All you do is order online at, and decide whether you want meals for two, four or six people -- you can also toggle between vegetarian and omnivore menus, depending on your dietary preferences. You can also view their online menu to get an idea of the types of meals offered week-to-week. 

“I want my kids to be eating things other than, you know, hamburgers, spaghetti, and tacos … Frankly, I was in a cooking rut so this really opens things up and takes the pressure off.” - Mealtime Market subscriber Jen McLaughlin.

"I'm bringing family dinner back,” says Capps. “I'm saving you time by delivering meals right to your door. No shopping, no prepping, no stress. Oh, and the food happens to be really good. I cook so you don't have to."